Dr Resmi Lekshmi
Dr Resmi is an Associate Professor at the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology. She is a PhD in Astrophysics at the Joint Astronomy Program from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. She was aPost-doctoral Fellow at the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, France, and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India. She uses theoretical modelling and observational techniques to study astrophysical sources, especially the bright energetic explosions called Gamma-Ray Bursts and a class of “active galaxies” called Blazars. Her broad areas of interest are High Energy Astrophysics, Radiation processes in astrophysical contexts, Relativistic sources, X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy. She received the Cospar Capacity Building Fellowship to work on Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope observations (at GSFC and UAH, Alabama) and the Young Astronomer Award for the year 2005, by Astronomical Society of India. Areas of interest are (Art-house) Movies, Trekking, Travelling, Birding, Photography, River kayaking.