
Statistical Physics

Oscillations and waves
Differential equations

Key Lectures

This course does not contain videos but detailed lecture notes and slides.

Prof. Leonard Susskind introduces Statistical Mechanics in ten excellent lectures:

Lecture 1:  Review of probability theory, and then presents the concepts of entropy and conservation of information.

Lecture 2:  Temperature, Boltzmann Entropy

Lecture 3: Entropy of a probability distribution, States of the system

Lecture 4:  Derivation of the Boltzman distribution of states of a system, Ideal gas

Lecture 5:  Mathematical definition of pressure using the Helmholtz free energy, and then derives the famous equation of state for an ideal gas: pV = NkT. 

Lecture 6: Deriving the equations for the energy and pressure of a gas of weakly interacting particles, and develops the concepts of heat and work which lead to the first law of thermodynamics.

Lecture 7:  Apparent contradiction between the reversibility of classical mechanics and the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropy generally increases.  This topic leads to a discussion of the foundation of chaos theory. 

Lecture 8: Continuation on the discussion of reversibility by calculating the small but finite probability that all molecules of a gas collect in one half of a room.  He then introduces the statistical mechanics of magnetism.

Lecture 9:  Developing the Ising model of ferromagnetism to explain the mathematics of phase transitions.  The one-dimensional Ising model does not exhibit phase transitions, but higher dimension models do.

Lecture 10: Continuation on the discussion of phase transitions beginning with a review of the Ising model and then introduces the physics of the liquid-gas phase transition.